• 0203 565 0539
  • office@trefoiltutors.co.uk

Trefoil Tutors was established in 2011 with a mission to bring a new level of professionalism to tutoring. Providing outstanding teaching and learning and enriching a student’s educational experience are at the forefront of all that we do.

We offer specialist small group tuition for Years 3 to 13, in order to augment and support the teaching that students receive in school.

Our Ethos

Our business is based on three foundational values: Personal, Passionate, Professional.


Being a tutor at Trefoil Tutors goes far beyond providing a platform for outstanding teaching and learning. Our tutors are seen as mentors to students as much as they are teachers. Getting to know students and their families during their time with us is a cornerstone of what we hold to be important and is paramount in ensuring we can communicate effectively with our clients.


At Trefoil Tutors, we are equally committed to sharing our subject knowledge as well as our love of the subjects we teach with our students. Making lessons dynamic, interesting and engaging helps us develop an enjoyment of the subject and promote life-long learning in our students. We are unashamedly geeky!


All too often, tutoring is seen as an additional job. Our team see tutoring differently - we approach it as a vocation in itself. We aim to professionalise all we do, both with regards to our tutoring and our administrative procedures. We use the exceptionally high standards of top Independent and Grammar Schools as the benchmark we hold ourselves to.

Recent News


Connor, July 10, 2024

Our Senior Tutor, Vivek Gathani, shares his advice with parents who are looking to find the right support for their children with the help of a tutor.

In this video, Vivek has outlined four guidelines that he advises all parents to follow before engaging a tutor to work with their child.

You can watch Vivek’s advice video here: https://youtu.be/9GNHiW5qFPs

If you would like any further advice, please do not hesitate to contact our team by emailing office@trefoiltutors.co.uk or call us on 0203 565 0539.

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Connor, July 9, 2024

As the deadline for Priority Registration has now passed, we are delighted to have registered over 240 students to our Mathematics, Further Mathematics, English, Science, Reasoning and Chemistry lessons for the Autumn Term.

At Trefoil Tutors, we are incredibly proud of the quality of teaching and learning we deliver across a range of different subjects. In our small group lessons, our team of qualified teachers and experienced tutors aim to augment and support the work done by schools. Students are taught according to a structured scheme of work and are given weekly homework assignments and regular assessments which are all prepared in-house by our tutors, with weekly individual feedback provided to parents via our personalised online portal.

A far cry away from traditional one-to-one tuition, our lessons take place in purpose-built classrooms in our Elstree office where tutors are supported by a full-time administrative team to ensure they can spend their time teaching. All our tutors are qualified teachers or experienced tutors who are subject specialists and have been DBS checked, fully insured and have attended safeguarding courses run at Trefoil Tutors. These are the standards expected at top schools in the country and we firmly believe tutors should hold themselves to the same standards.

As we prepare for the new academic year, a small number of places are still available in our group lessons. If you feel that your son or daughter would benefit from specialist tuition in Mathematics, Further Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Science or Reasoning, please do get in touch. Please note that places are offered to students on our waiting list and then allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

To enquire regarding booking a place, please call our Registrar Esther on 0203 565 0539 or email registrar@trefoiltutors.co.uk.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Connor, July 8, 2024

We would like to remind students and parents that this is the final week of group lessons as the Summer Term comes to an end on Sunday, the 14th of July. After the break, students in Years 4, 5, 11 and 12 will return to the classroom from Monday, the 12th of August for Summer Lessons while all other group lessons will return the week commencing on Monday, the 9th of September.

We look forward to seeing everyone for their final lessons this week and wrapping up the academic year together!

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