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Armine, Nov. 2, 2022

During the event, our Director and Lead Tutor of Mathematics, Vivek Gathani, our Director of Accounts and Lead Tutor of English, Milda Gathani, and our Director of Studies and Lead Tutor of Reasoning, Rebecca Muhley, shared their experience of supporting students in their 11+ preparations over the last decade.

The presentation included an overview of the 11+ process, an insight into the top Grammar and Independent schools in the area, a closer look at our 11+ programme at Trefoil and advice for parents to support their child’s preparation. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session where any questions parents raised regarding their child’s 11+ journey were answered.

Parents who attended the event said:

“A great broad overview of the process”

“It was useful to get an understanding of differences between schools and the way they test students”

“Useful stats and destinations for university, some surprising variances”

Please note, if you are interested in attending one of our 11+ Parents’ Advice Evenings, we will be running the same event again in the Summer Term.