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Vaiva, March 14, 2022

“It was such a fantastic idea for Vivek and Milda to organise the 11+ Parents’ Evening because I had no clue about 11+: I didn’t know what to expect, I was scared from what people had told me. But coming here it made me feel more comfortable about it. They talked us through the timeline for the lessons, for the exams, for the interviews, told us about the parents’ role. I found it helpful to know all about the parents’ role in helping the kids and in helping Kishi, my daughter goes through it so she’s not scared about the process. It was organised, it was planned, she can now prepare properly for when the open days for the schools are; we know what schools are available and how the schools are performing. It was so helpful, and my mind is at rest now, knowing that I can help along the way and she won’t be scared about it. All the information was really necessary. Any questions whatsoever, Vivek and Milda are happy to help. There’s nothing as good as feeling and knowing that you are supported.”