• 0203 565 0539
  • office@trefoiltutors.co.uk

Latest news


Lucy, Feb. 18, 2023

We would like to remind all our students who attend Rebecca’s Science lessons of the lessons taking place tomorrow, Sunday, the 19th February. As communicated in December and January, Rebecca’s Science lessons at the beginning of the Spring Term have been rescheduled to take place this Sunday.

This Sunday, students will attend their Week 6 lesson and sit a 30-minute assessment in their lessons. Please remember to follow Vivek and Rebecca’s advice in this week’s Senior Tutor Update video and the Welcome Booklet on how best to revise for these assessments!

The rescheduled lessons will take place at the following times:

10am-11:30am - Year 7 Science

12pm-1:30pm - Year 9 Science

2pm-3:30pm - Year 11 Triple Science (Usually 7:50pm-9:20pm on a Thursday)

4pm-5:30pm - Year 12 Chemistry

6pm-7:30pm - Year 11 Triple Science (Usually 6pm-7:30pm on a Sunday)

7:30pm-9pm - Year 13 Chemistry

Students are, as always, welcome to call into the lesson remotely on Sunday, 19th February, if that is more convenient; however, we would always encourage attending the lessons in person.

If you would like your child to call into their lesson via Skype, please inform us at your earliest convenience by emailing our team at office@trefoiltutors.co.uk or speak to a member of our team by calling 0203 565 0539.