Armine, Nov. 30, 2022
In this week's Senior Tutor Update, Vivek informs parents of our updated office opening hours, the launch of bookings for end-of-term Parent Report Meetings and academic aspirations emails that are going out this week. For students, Vivek emphasises that although the Christmas Break is right within our reach, the importance of the final two weeks of term are not to be underestimated - not only for students preparing for 11+ examinations or GCSE and A Level mock examinations, but equally to all of our students who are preparing for the Week 12 assessments. Vivek encourages all to start revision early and maintain academic rigour despite the multitude of distractions the end of term throws our way!
Our Director of Accounts Milda reminds parents that our Spring Term priority registration deadline is this Friday, 2nd December. Parents looking to secure their son or daughter's place in their existing lessons should make sure to settle the due invoice before the deadline - not only do we have a waiting list in each of the year groups, we have a number of existing students who are looking to change their lesson time to a place in a group that is currently full. Finally, Milda discussed the ongoing registration for Year 3 Mathematics and English lessons, Year 4 Reasoning lessons and Year 6 Mathematics and English lessons - if parents have not yet had a chance to contact us about these available places, please do let our Registrar Ruby know sooner rather than later.
Wishing you a lovely week!