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Lucy, Sept. 13, 2022

In this week's Senior Tutor Update video, Vivek begins by reflecting on the week just gone. Vivek thanks tutees, their parents, tutors and the office team for all hard work and dedication during the extremely rewarding - albeit exhausting - first week of the 2022/2023 academic year. Vivek reminds parents to check the log in details provided and to check that students are equipped with the correct calculators. Looking ahead to next week, Vivek emphasises the need to establish good working routines. Once these are established, students and tutors can focus more of their efforts on exploring the subject material. Our Director of Accounts, Milda, reminds parents about the possibility to register students for lessons in more than one subject, book a place for the full academic year as well as place siblings’ names on our waiting list if you would like to join our lessons in the future. We are delighted to continue offering our recommendation, multiple subject, sibling and full year payment discounts this year.