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  • office@trefoiltutors.co.uk

Latest news


Lucy, Feb. 14, 2023

In this week's Senior Tutor Update, Vivek wishes all our students, parents and staff a restful Half Term break as we mark the half-way point in the academic year. Vivek reminds everyone that the office will be closed between Monday, 13th February and Sunday, 19th February inclusively. Rebecca's rearranged Science lessons will take place on Sunday, 19th February.

Vivek encourages our students to use the Half Term break to rest up and re-charge their batteries. This is especially true for our Year 11 and Year 13 students. Vivek reminds students to complete the holiday work; not only for the subject they attend at Trefoil but all the holiday work produced for their year group. Vivek reiterates the need for students to keep their folders organised, with up-to-date overview sheets. This will help kick-start students' revision which will likely begin during the Easter holidays.

Finally, Vivek announces the decision for Trefoil to move to termly, rather than half termly, newsletters.

Our Director of Operations Armine shares the exciting news of a new opening for a Receptionist position at the company - please check our Vacancies page for more details: https://www.trefoiltutors.co.uk/office-vacancies/

Secondly, Armine announces the dates for two events we will be hosting in the next Half Term - the A Level Options and Careers Evening in Week 12 and a Making the Most of Secondary School and Year 6 Reunion in Week 11. More information will be shared via email in the coming weeks.

Wishing you a lovely Half Term break!