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Senior tutor update - Spring term - Week 10

Vaiva, March 15, 2022

In this week's Senior Tutor Update, Vivek introduces Lucy, our new weekday receptionist. Vivek also reminds everyone that the deadline to apply for our new Weekend Manager role is this week. Vivek thanks the parents of Year 6 students who will have received a call from Anita this week as we gather data to publish our 11+ statistics. As we enter Week 10, we are all encouraged to be mindful of our energy levels with three weeks to go until the Easter break. Vivek praises the students on their improvements with regards to being forward in their approach to completing corrections which will be invaluable as they prepare for assessments both in and out of school. Our Registrar Milda launches the priority registration for the Summer Term as well as outlines the process for reserving and booking students' places in the new academic year. All of our current students' parents will have received a comprehensive information pack with the new term dates, timetable and the timeline for booking their place. The deadline for booking a place in the Summer Term is the 25th of March while the deadline for booking lessons in the new academic year is the 1st of July. After each of these deadlines, any unbooked places will be offered to students on our waiting list. Emphasising our ethos of long-term teaching and learning, Milda also reiterates the recommended start times for 11+, GCSE and A Level preparations.