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Milda, Feb. 19, 2023

In this week's Senior Tutor Update video, Vivek welcomes students back after the Half Term break. Vivek hopes that students have taken on his advice from the last Senior Tutor Update video where he encouraged students to use the break to rest up, complete the holiday work and review their files. With a big Half Term ahead all-round, Vivek emphasises the importance of the six weeks to come for our Year 11s and Year 13s in particular as we complete the GCSE and A Level courses respectively. Vivek congratulates our 11+ students on their outstanding set of results and encourages parents to book in a time with Vivek for some "making your mind up" advice. Finally, Vivek reminds everyone that the majority of the deadlines for our largest staff expansion in history is 9pm on Sunday 19th February.

Our Director of Accounts Milda shares the news that the term dates for the Summer Lessons and the new academic year have been set, and will be emailed to parents on Monday of Week 7. Furthermore, Milda introduces the priority registration process for the Summer Term, Summer Lessons for our Year 4, 5, 11 and 12 students and the Autumn Term of the new academic year. Milda informs parents that the deadline for booking Summer Term and Summer Lessons places, as well as completing the Declaration of Interest form for the new academic year is Sunday, the 19th of March. Finally, Milda mentions exciting new early-bird discounts for parents who would like to register their children for the full academic year in advance.