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Latest news


Lucy, Jan. 31, 2023

In this week's Senior Tutor Update video, Vivek reminds students, parents, tutors and the office team to look after their energy levels and take time to rest if needed; there is no harm in walking in order to prepare for a sprint finish. As students revise for the upcoming examinations, Vivek advises them to be selective about the revision content they use to make sure it is of a high academic standard. Vivek highlights the need for students to have aspirational and realistic target grades. Additionally, our Director of Studies Rebecca will review students' current attainment and compared them with stated academic aspirations - she will be contacting parents of students who are currently not on track to achieve those targets. Finally, Vivek welcomes our new Registrar, Esther, who starts this week.

Our Director of Accounts Milda then shares the news about new Year 3 and 10 lessons in Mathematics being added to our timetable after Half Term and advises students who are looking to join our classes in the future to add their name to the waiting list as early as possible.