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Lucy, Feb. 7, 2023

In this week's Senior Tutor Update video, Vivek, rather unconventionally, begins with a quote. Vivek uses this to reflect on an exciting start to 2023 and celebrate the exceptional levels of consistency and hard work that have underpinned our lessons so far this Half Term. Vivek reminds our Year 11, 12 and 13s that their assessments this week may be a little longer, in the style of more summative mock exams. Vivek discusses "the fear" that is often associated with external examinations and how to embrace this and use it as a positive rather than something constricting. Vivek further reminds all students that they will have their next assessment in Week 6.

In preparation for these, our Director of Studies Rebecca reminds students how important the revision for the Week 6 assessment is and suggests the red-amber-green (RAG) revision strategy as a helpful approach. Finally, Trefoil Tutors have a number of teaching and administrative vacancies that we are looking to fill in the upcoming weeks; please do visit our website for more information.