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Lucy, Jan. 9, 2023

In this week's Senior Tutor Update, Vivek reflects on the differences that two years have made to our teaching and learning setup with Covid-19 in the backdrop. Vivek celebrates a return to "normality" as well as applauding the new and exciting initiatives that are taking shape at Trefoil. Vivek also wishes all the best to our 11+ students who are now receiving the results of their first round of examinations and invites them to share their results with us, as well as to benefit from the advice about the interviewing process that we offer at Trefoil Tutors. Vivek additionally wishes the very best of luck to our Year 13 students, some of whom will be finding out the results of their Oxford interviews this week. Vivek welcomes our new starters who have joined lessons in the Spring Term, emphasising the importance of establishing good routines from the very start.

Our Director of Accounts Milda offers her words of welcome to our new students and reminds parents that the start of the Spring Term is an opportune time to join lessons in an additional subject while the catch up work load is still manageable. With a small number of places available across a range of subjects and year groups, parents are encouraged to get in touch before the end of Week 2 in order to give students the best chance to integrate into the small group setting successfully before the first Assessment Week of the Spring Term.