• 0203 565 0539
  • office@trefoiltutors.co.uk

Latest news


Lucy, July 24, 2022

In this week's (bonus) Senior Tutor Video, Vivek once again thanks parents, tutees and staff for their understanding and support with the rearranged week of lessons; with special thanks to Kishan for stepping up and supporting Milda's English lessons. Vivek informs parents that our teaching team are now on annual leave, with some tutors returning on 15th August for Summer Lessons and others returning on 5th September for the start of the new academic year. In the interim, the office will remain staffed but with reduced hours. Vivek reminds parents to expect the newsletter this week which contains a summary of the academic year just gone as well as useful resources and tips for the summer ahead. Finally, Vivek reminds parents to download any marked work form the portal before August 8th and wishes parents all the very best for the Summer Holidays!