• 0203 565 0539
  • office@trefoiltutors.co.uk

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Jovana, Sept. 25, 2019

On the weekends of the 7th and the 8th of September, we hosted the first two events of our Curriculum Evenings Series. We were delighted to see so many parents take an active interest in not only the lessons their children attend at Trefoil Tutors, but also in the ways they can best support their children's learning at home.

The Year 5 and Year 6 curriculum evening was held for the parents of our students preparing to take the 11+ examinations. Our lead tutors Vivek and Milda guided parents through our 11+ programme, an overview of schools in the North London area and tips on the 11+ process. If you were unable to attend, we are glad to confirm that we will be hosting another Year 4 and Year 5 curriculum evening on the 1st of November.

The evening titled "Achieving a successful set of GCSE results" took place on the 8th September. To help our Year 11 students and their parents best prepare for the challenging year ahead, our senior tutor, Vivek Gathani, led parents through a short presentation on the new grading system, important dates in the upcoming year and good revision practice.