• 0203 565 0539
  • office@trefoiltutors.co.uk

Trefoil Tutors was established in 2011 with a mission to bring a new level of professionalism to tutoring. Providing outstanding teaching and learning and enriching a student’s educational experience are at the forefront of all that we do.

We offer specialist small group tuition for Years 3 to 13, in order to augment and support the teaching that students receive in school.

Our Ethos

Our business is based on three foundational values: Personal, Passionate, Professional.


Being a tutor at Trefoil Tutors goes far beyond providing a platform for outstanding teaching and learning. Our tutors are seen as mentors to students as much as they are teachers. Getting to know students and their families during their time with us is a cornerstone of what we hold to be important and is paramount in ensuring we can communicate effectively with our clients.


At Trefoil Tutors, we are equally committed to sharing our subject knowledge as well as our love of the subjects we teach with our students. Making lessons dynamic, interesting and engaging helps us develop an enjoyment of the subject and promote life-long learning in our students. We are unashamedly geeky!


All too often, tutoring is seen as an additional job. Our team see tutoring differently - we approach it as a vocation in itself. We aim to professionalise all we do, both with regards to our tutoring and our administrative procedures. We use the exceptionally high standards of top Independent and Grammar Schools as the benchmark we hold ourselves to.

Recent News


Connor, July 15, 2024

With the final lessons of the Summer Term now complete, we would like to thank our students and their parents for all of their hard work and support throughout the year. The office team and tutor team will be in the office this week, conducting parent report meetings and preparing for next academic year. While this academic year is now over, we are already looking forward to welcoming back our Year 4, 5, 11 and 12 students for Summer Lessons on the 12th of August. The remaining year groups will resume lessons in the week commencing 9th September. We wish you all a happy, healthy and relaxing summer! Stay tuned for our holiday work, newsletter and fun ideas to keep you busy over the Summer!

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Connor, July 15, 2024

This summer, our English tutor Kishan Ganatra would like to invite students to explore their creativity and imagination and take part in our Summer Creative Writing Competition. The competition is open to students from Year 3 to Year 11; the entries will be considered within each year group. The top entry within the year group will receive a special prize!

The list of titles for each year group’s creative writing pieces are as follows:

Year 3: The Creature Under My Bed

Year 4: Don’t Press The Button!

Year 5: The Girl Who Never Laughed

Year 6: A Burden Shared Is A Burden Lifted

Year 7: One Man’s Dream Is Another Man’s Nightmare

Year 8: The Day We Forgot

Year 9: The Undelivered Message

Year 10: We Need To Talk

Year 11: Nothing Beats A Home-Cooked Meal

If taking part in the competition was not exciting enough, there will also be a prize for the winners!

To take part, please send your entries to office@trefoiltutors.co.uk until the 31st of August.

We look forward to reading your stories!

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Connor, July 10, 2024

As the end of the academic year gets closer and closer, we would like to remind parents that this week still offers the possibility to benefit from our Early Bird full year payment discount of £150 (incl. VAT) when you book your child’s place for the full academic year. Please note the discount is available until this Sunday, 14th July!

We are pleased to confirm that we will continue to offer our regular full year payment discount of £100 (Incl. VAT) until Sunday, 15th October.

For students going into Year 11 or Year 13, this discounts will be calculated pro-rata depending on how many Summer Term lessons they attend.

Please note that parents who opt in to benefit from the full year booking discount will not be able to request a refund for remaining lessons if they choose to stop lessons midway through the academic year.

The discount is applied per subject and can be combined with other discounts.

To make use of the early bird discount, please contact our Registrar Esther on 0203 565 0539 or by emailing registrar@trefoiltutors.co.uk. We look forward to hearing from you.

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