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Vaiva, Aug. 1, 2018

According to our lead Mathematics tutor Vivek, “Mathematics is not a spectator sport”. Practising little and often is crucial – even during the summer holidays. To help students maintain their Mathematical skills during the summer break, we will be posting sets of five quick questions on Wednesdays and Sundays to help children keep that academic regression at bay.

We are excited to share the first set of questions with you today!

We will be posting the answers and the next set of questions on Sunday.

Good luck, mathsies!

Set 1 - 4 and 5-1.jpg

Set 1 - 6-1.jpg

Set 1 - 7 and 8-1.jpg

Set 1 - 9 and 10-1.jpg

Set 1 - GCSE-1.jpg

Set 1 - 12-1.jpg

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