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Lucy, Oct. 25, 2022

We are delighted to share with you the positive feedback contributed by the parents of students who have attended our group lessons and found these enjoyable and beneficial to their learning.

“Ideally, I would say 11+ preparation is a two year journey - with Daniyal we didn’t have a choice because we’d moved from Singapore, so he started in Year 5, and I know that if Daniyal had started in Year 4 he would have done even better. They are young children - you can’t cram it all in, in one year. The lessons are very structured, and Daniyal did the Summer Lessons in August as well for both English and Maths - that was very, very helpful. The Summer Lessons are intense, they are tailored towards students practising past papers and they are coming two days a week for each subject. Additionally, it’s in August so the timing is really good as well.”