Lucy, Dec. 13, 2022
In this week's Senior Tutor Update video, Vivek begins by congratulating everyone on such a productive and successful Term. Vivek reminds us that although the last lessons of the Term have been taught, the office and tutor team are in for an extra week conducting parent report calls and preparing for the start of the Spring Term. Vivek informs parents that they will be receiving two emails this week; one at the start of the week informing everyone that the Term has ended and a second towards the end of the week containing the newsletter and holiday work. Vivek waves farewell to our Year 6 students who will be completing their 11+ journey at the end of this Term but reminds them to keep in touch with regards to interview preparation, making your mind up conversations and the Year 6 reunion event in the Spring Term. Finally, Vivek thanks parents and students for their Christmas gifts, cards and wishes.
Our Director of Operations Armine introduces parents to two new members of our office team, which has grown substantially this year. Armine also reminds parents about the updated office hours, with the office now opening at 12pm on weekdays and 9:30am on weekends. Finally, as we wrap up the Autumn Term, Armine reviews the year so far and the range of projects the team have been working on in order to continue offering our students and parents a service that does not cease at the end of each lesson.