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Lucy, July 26, 2022

At Trefoil Tutors, we know that the educational experience extends far beyond the confines of an individual lesson. To help maintain engagement and avoid academic regression, our Lead Tutors Vivek, Milda and Rebecca have prepared a series of subject-specific projects for our students to complete over the Summer Holidays.

The deadline for submitting all projects is 12pm on Monday, the 15th of August. Projects can either be emailed to office@trefoiltutors.co.uk or handed into the office in person. Late submissions will not be accepted.

The student who produces the best project in each year group, as decided by each tutor, will be awarded with subject-themed prizes once they return to Trefoil Tutors in the new academic year.

For more information, please visit the Summer Projects page on our website:


I am delighted to announce that Year 3 to Year 10 students will have the opportunity to create a Summer Mathematics Project.

The Project can take any form that the student wishes; be that an essay, a PowerPoint presentation, a video, a poster or anything else that catches their eye. There is no word limit or page limit to their endeavours; I would hate to set a glass ceiling to their creativity!

However, this is not a completely blank canvas. The students’ Summer Mathematics Project does need to focus on one of the topics listed for their respective year group. These topics have been selected as they are based on elements of the mathematics scheme of work that has been taught this academic year.


I am delighted to invite all students from Year 3 to Year 11 to take part in our Summer Creative Writing Competition and employ their creativity and imagination to compose a piece of creative fiction. The list of titles for each year group’s creative writing pieces can be found on our website.

Your story can be typed or handwritten; it must have a clear link to the title and be no longer than 700 words. The entries will be considered within each year group. The top entry within the year group will be awarded.


The Summer Holidays are a great time to complete some science investigations within your very own home!

I have put together a series of activities, one for each year group, linked to content that we have covered in lessons this academic year. I have also put together an investigation for Junior School students for any budding scientists out there! The science investigations focus on enquiry skills helping students delve into the linked scientific research, hone their experimental skills, and practice data handling.

Each science investigation has an 8-page section to complete that guides you throughout the entire investigation. Print out the relevant section for your year group and complete all of your answers in the spaces provided. Please us additional lined paper if required.

We look forward to reading your projects!