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Meet Our Tutors - Vivek, Senior Tutor, Tutor of Mathematics

Vaiva, Aug. 12, 2021

Vivek founded Trefoil Tutors in 2011 with the aim of bringing a new level of professionalism to tutoring. Vivek is the company’s Senior Tutor, Lead Mathematics Tutor and Child Protection Officer. With a BSc Mathematics degree from the University of Warwick and a PGCE in Mathematics from the University of Oxford, Vivek has over 14 years’ experience in private tuition as well as four years’ experience of teaching Mathematics at Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School.

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Vaiva, Aug. 11, 2021

The 12th of August is an important date in the calendar for all GCSE students waiting to receive their results. Our team of tutors would like to wish the best of luck to all of our students who are opening those envelopes tomorrow morning – we hope all your hard work will bring its rewards!

We would like to share the video our Senior Tutor Vivek Gathani recorded for last year’s Results Day, sharing his advice and answering questions from students and parents.

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Preparing for A-level Results Day

Vaiva, Aug. 9, 2021

The 10th of August is an important date in the calendar for all A-level students waiting to receive their results.

In anticipation of Results Day, we would like to share with you the video our Senior Tutor Vivek Gathani recorded the week before Results Day last year, offering some very useful advice on how to prepare for it and what to do if your results turn out to be better or worse than you had expected. We hope you find this useful!

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Parent testimonial - Salma's dad

Vaiva, Aug. 6, 2021

"Since Salma attended Trefoil, her mathematics seems to have improved quite a bit and her grades have improved to reflect the good teaching methods that are being employed."

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Vaiva, Aug. 4, 2021

We know that each new academic year comes with a new stack of books. If you find yourself not knowing what to do with your old coursebooks and set texts, we would be more than happy to add the books you no longer wish to keep to our library and give an opportunity for our younger students to use them in their work.

If you would like to drop your old books off at our office, please do get in touch to arrange a convenient time - we look forward to hearing from you!

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Meet Our Tutors - Neil, Tutor of Biology

Vaiva, Aug. 3, 2021

Currently pursuing a degree in Medicine at King’s College London, Neil is a tutor who is closely familiar with the amount of work involved in achieving top grades having achieved excellent results throughout his own academic career as a scholar of Mill Hill School. Passionate about Biology and closely familiar with the updated curriculum, Neil tutors our GCSE and A-level Biology students.

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11+ Mathematics, English and Reasoning mock examinations

Vaiva, Aug. 2, 2021

We are glad to announce that this August and September, we will be running English, Mathematics and Reasoning mock examinations for 11+ students preparing for grammar and independent school examinations this year.

For more information about the mock examinations, dates and availability, please visit our website: https://www.trefoiltutors.co.uk/mock-examinations/

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We are Recruiting!

Milda, July 31, 2021

As we prepare for the new academic year, we are delighted to share a number of exciting opportunities to become part of our team. We are recruiting for the following roles:

You can find the role descriptions for each of these positions on our Vacancies page:

To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter to jobs@trefoiltutors.co.uk before 8th August 2021.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Vaiva, July 28, 2021

In order to encourage students to explore different writers, styles and genres, as well as help them develop a love of literature, our lead English tutor Milda has compiled a list of 12 book recommendations for each year group from Year 3 to Year 11. The books on the list range from timeless classics to recent releases. As they go through the list, students will become familiar with the work of world-famous writers and meet iconic book characters.


We hope that students will explore these not only during the summer holidays but also throughout the academic year!

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Parent testimonial - Aaliyah's mum

Vaiva, July 23, 2021

“I have seen massive changes in my daughter’s attitude to maths. She has gone leaps and bounds in confidence when approaching papers. She has learnt topics before she’s had to learn them at school, or has just had subjects reconfirmed for her during her tutoring at Trefoil. As a parent, I am very happy that we've enjoyed coming to lessons at Trefoil Tutors and we are looking to continue – especially as we have seen such improvement!”

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Vaiva, July 19, 2021

With the final lessons of the year now over, we would like to thank our students and their parents for all of their hard work and support. The 2020/2021 academic year was one of the most unusual and challenging we have encountered and our tutors will now take a short break.

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Vaiva, July 18, 2021

In the final Senior Tutor update of the academic year, Vivek reminds parents to book in their parent report calls to review their children’s progress over the Summer Term. Further, Vivek reminds parents that all materials will be removed from our online portal in three weeks' time. To keep students engaged during the summer, we will also be sending out summer projects for Mathematics, English and Science. The coming week will also see the event we will be running for our A-level students about personal statements and applying to university in the UK - we look forward to seeing you there!

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Feedback results

Vaiva, July 17, 2021

During the last few weeks, we have asked our students’ parents for feedback regarding their experience using our services. We are grateful to have received as many as 40 responses – thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! Here are some of the results of this year’s feedback survey:

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Vaiva, July 16, 2021

"The fact that Vivek is a former HABS teacher was definitely one of the factors making me decide that I would send my son to Vivek, because he knew what he was talking about. I knew he has done the HABS syllabus, so certainly Vivek would point him in the right direction."

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Vaiva, July 12, 2021

As we begin our final week of group lessons this academic year, we would like to congratulate our students for their hard work this year and thank parents for their support. We would like to wish all our students and their parents a restful summer break, and we look forward to seeing you again after the break!

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Vaiva, July 11, 2021

In this week’s Senior Tutor Update, Vivek welcomes everyone to the final week of the academic year. This week, students will receive all their marked assignments and assessments and will work through corrections with their tutor.

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Vaiva, July 9, 2021

"They’ve built up a good understanding of mathematical concepts and, as a result, they’ve improved a great deal in school."

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Vaiva, July 5, 2021

Our Senior Tutor, Vivek Gathani, shares his advice with parents who are looking to find the right support for their children. In the video, Vivek has outlined four guidelines that he advises all parents to follow before engaging a tutor to work with their child.

You can watch Vivek's advice video here: https://www.facebook.com/TrefoilTutors/videos/546060289398126

If you would like any further advice, please do not hesitate to contact our team on office@trefoiltutors.co.uk or on 0203 565 05 39.

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