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Senior Tutor Update - Week 6

Milda, May 24, 2020

In this week's Senior Tutor Update, Vivek reminds students and parents about the upcoming assessment week, as well as mock exams for our Year 11 and Year 13 mathematicians.

Best of luck with your revision - do use the videos your tutors have pre-recorded for you throughout the term to review the topics covered!

Senior Tutor Update - Week 5

Milda, May 17, 2020

In this week's Senior Tutor Update, Vivek thanks students and parents for yet another week of excellent engagement levels with our online teaching and reviews our ongoing preparations for the new academic year.

Our team have been working hard this week on speaking to parents about reserving students' places for lessons in September; restructuring our website with exciting new developments; and finally, putting plans in place for our eventual and highly anticipated return to a newly expanded and renovated office space after the summer.

We wish you an enjoyable week and look forward to seeing you in Week 5 lessons!

Senior Tutor Update - Week 4

Milda, May 10, 2020

In this week's Senior Tutor Update, Vivek wraps up assessment week, reviews attendance in our online lessons and, as we reach the middle of the half-term, shares advice for keeping motivation levels nice and high!

Senior Tutor Update - Assessment Week Advice

Milda, May 3, 2020

In this week's Update, our Senior Tutor, Vivek Gathani, thanks students and parents for their resilience and commitment to the learning process, and reminds them about the upcoming Assessment Week. In the video, Vivek shares his advice on how students can best prepare for these.

You can watch the Senior Tutor Update video here.

Good luck, everyone, and we look forward to receiving your work!

Senior Tutor Update - Week 2

Milda, April 26, 2020

In this week's Senior Tutor Update, Vivek reviews the first week of Summer Term and the success of the start of online lessons.

Watch the video here.

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Senior Tutor Update - Start of the Summer Term

Milda, April 19, 2020

In this week's video, our Senior Tutor, Vivek Gathani, reflects on the Easter Break, during which we kept ourselves busy publishing Easter holiday work, conducting parent report meetings, and running Skype sessions with students from our group lessons, where we played Mathematics and English games with our students.

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Senior Tutor Update - Easter Break

Milda, April 12, 2020

In this week's Senior Tutor update, Vivek shares his reflections on the past two weeks of online lessons at Trefoil Tutors, as well as one-to-one Skype consultations and group catch up sessions we have been offering students both during term-time and during the Easter break. Vivek also reminds parents that the Easter holiday work is being uploaded to our website this weekend.

Watch the Senior Tutor Update here:

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Senior Tutor Update - Easter Break

Milda, April 4, 2020

As we wrap up the Spring Term, our Senior Tutor, Vivek Gathani, introduces parents to our plans for helping keep students engaged and maintaining good study routines during the holiday period.

As schools pause for the holidays, we will be sharing free Mathematics and English holiday work for our students.

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Introducing our new Manager

Milda, April 3, 2020

We may have had to temporarily close our office but our team have shown incredible resilience and commitment as we have continued to work from home. This week, we have some very exciting and long-anticipated news from our office team!

We are delighted to welcome Rosie Smart who joins our team as our new Manager. Having worked in a managing role for the past ten years, Rosie brings a wealth of leadership experience combined with a strong commitment to the Trefoil values.

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Senior Tutor Update - 29 March 2020

Milda, March 29, 2020

In this week's Senior Tutor Update, Vivek reviews our first week of online lessons.

You can watch the video here:

Introort as we settled into new routines! As we begin our final week of the Spring Term, Vivek also reminds students to revise for their end-of-term assessments. Do not hesitate to skype your tutor on trefoil.maths, trefoil.english and trefoil.science if you have any questions - we look forward to hearing from you!


Milda, March 28, 2020

As we settle into new routines of online learning, we are delighted to see that so many of our students have already engaged with our new way of running lessons and are watching our teaching videos, uploading homework assignments and calling our tutors for one-to-one Skype consultations. Well done, everyone!

A number of parents have contacted us asking how to use the online portal and upload homework assignments. We have recorded a short video explaining the process:

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Senior Tutor Update - Starting Online Lessons

Milda, March 23, 2020

Dear All,

As students across the country begin their first week of home-schooling, our team are in the office and ready to continue our lessons online! In his video message this morning, our Senior Tutor, Vivek Gathani, welcomes all our students to our new way of teaching and learning and explains what the upcoming weeks will look like.

You can watch the video here:

Happy learning!


Milda, March 20, 2020

Following the cancellation of GCSE and A-level examinations, our Year 11 and Year 13 students are undoubtedly waiting for further clarification regarding the way their GCSE and A-level examinations will be determined.

The Education Secretary has just released the following statement, explaining that:

- Students' results will be determined in consultation with schools

- If students do not feel their calculated grade reflects their performance, they will have the opportunity to sit an exam at the earliest reasonable opportunity, once schools are open again

- Students will also have the option to sit their exams in summer 2021.

You can read the full statement here.

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World Book Day Reading List

Milda, March 5, 2020

Today, we celebrate World Book Day! Although it sometimes may seem that today is about fancy dress costumes rather than books, we would like to encourage our young readers to pick up a new book this week and nurture their good reading habits.

To help you choose your new read, our English tutor Milda has compiled a new list of book recommendations for students from Year 4 to Year 11. You can download it here:

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Milda, March 1, 2020

During the half-term break, our office gathered together for a staff induction training day, bringing together staff who have recently joined our team as well as new members of the team who will be coming on board in the coming months.

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Milda, Feb. 24, 2020

After a relaxing half-term break, we look forward to welcoming all our students back to a new set of lessons today. Did you notice that we have already reached the half-way mark of the academic year?

Have a great half term, everyone!


Milda, Feb. 21, 2020

As the half term break comes to an end, we would like to remind parents and students that Mathematics and English holiday work for all year groups has been uploaded to the online portal.

To access the assignments prepared by our tutors Vivek and Milda, please log on to the online portal and choose the "Lesson Materials" section in the menu. Vivek and Milda have also written answers to the assignments which are uploaded in the same section.

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11+ Offers Day

Milda, Feb. 14, 2020

We would like to wish the best of luck to all 11+ students receiving their independent school offers today - we hope it's a day of good news!

As ever, our tutors will be sitting on the edges of their seats keeping their fingers firmly crossed for you - please do give us a call to let us know your results.

If you would like to speak to our Senior Tutor about your school choices, please do not hesitate to give our office a call, we would be more than happy to share our insights and experience in order to help you weigh up your options.