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Senior Tutor Update - GCSE and A-level Results

Milda, Aug. 19, 2020

In this week's video update, our Senior Tutor Vivek reflects upon the A-level Results Day, inviting both our existing students and external candidates to contact us should they need any advice.

In anticipation of the announcement of GCSE Results tomorrow, we would like to extend the same offer to GCSE students who may have questions about their results or their A-level choices.


Milda, Aug. 16, 2020

The summer holidays are an important time for students to take a break and recharge their batteries – at the same time, this year more than ever, parents and teachers alike worry about academic regression which may make the start of the new academic year harder than expected.

To help students tackle this, our senior tutor, Vivek Gathani, has prepared a set of free Mathematics summer revision assignments for students from Year 3 to Year 12 to keep them practising their mathematics regularly. These are written in the same style as the homework assignments students receive at the end of each of our small group lessons at Trefoil Tutors. The assignments are accompanied by corresponding answer sheets.

To download the free assignments, please click on the link below:

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Milda, Aug. 13, 2020

Dear A-level candidates,

We would like to wish you the best of luck on this unusual Results Day!

Our team are in the office today so if you would like any advice regarding your set of results, your next steps, or if you would simply like to share your results with us, please do not hesitate to call us on 0203 565 0539.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Milda, Aug. 11, 2020

This week, we are pleased to welcome our Year 5 and Year 12 students back to face-to-face summer lessons in our offices in Elstree.

Over the past weeks, our team have been working hard to create a learning environment that is safe for our students and staff. We have furnished our classrooms with individual desks which are cleaned after each lesson; set up hand sanitising stations; put provisions in place to ensure minimal contact during arrivals and departures to and from lessons; and equipped our tutors with visors which they wear while teaching.

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Senior Tutor Update - Summer Lessons

Milda, Aug. 9, 2020

In this week's update, our Senior Tutor Vivek welcomes back our Year 5 and Year 12 students, who are returning to our classrooms on Monday for Mathematics, English and Reasoning summer lessons and shares the first set of Holiday Work.

Watch the Senior Tutor Update here:

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We are hiring: Office Assistant

Rosie, July 31, 2020

We are hiring: Office Assistant

As Trefoil Tutors continues to grow, we are delighted to share an exciting opportunity to become part of our team. We are currently looking for an organised and approachable Office Assistant to help support our parents, students and staff. Please visit our vacancies page for more information:

Senior Tutor Update - Summer Holidays

Milda, July 30, 2020

Although the academic year has now ended, our Senior Tutor Vivek continues to share with you his weekly thoughts in the Senior Tutor Update videos. This week, Vivek reflects upon the parent report meetings that took place last week; reminds parents that the online portal will be deactivated at the end of the week as we prepare for September; and announces the Summer Reading List and the Summer Holiday Assignments that will be published in the coming days to keep the students' minds sharp during the break.

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We are hiring: Tutor of Economics

Rosie, July 30, 2020

As Trefoil Tutors continues to grow, we are delighted to share an exciting opportunity to become part of our team.

We are currently looking for an experienced Economics tutor to teach one or more small groups of up to 6 students. The tutor will specialise in teaching Key Stage 5 (Year 12 and Year 13). Please visit our vacancies page for more information:

We are hiring: Tutor of Physics

Rosie, July 29, 2020

As Trefoil Tutors continues to grow, we are delighted to share an exciting opportunity to become part of our team.

We are currently looking for an experienced Physics tutor to teach one or more small groups of up to 6 students. The tutor will specialise in teaching Key Stage 5 (Year 12 and Year 13). Throughout the course of the academic year, the tutor will also be required to prepare a Scheme of Work for the course. Please visit our vacancies page for more information:

End of the 2019/2020 Academic Year!

Rosie, July 23, 2020

With the final lessons of the year now over, we would like to thank our students and their parents for all of their hard work and support. The 2019/2020 academic year was one of the most unusual and challenging we have encountered and our tutors will now take a short break. Although the academic year is now over, we are already looking forward to welcoming back our Year 5s and Year 12s in August for summer lessons. The remaining year groups will return in the week commencing 7th September . We wish you all a happy, healthy and relaxing summer!


Milda, July 16, 2020

We are delighted to announce that registration for lessons taking place in September 2020 is now open to new students!

You can check the places that are currently available in our lessons live on our website: https://www.trefoiltutors.co.uk/availability/.

For more information about our team of tutors, lesson structure and timetable, please download our Prospectus for the academic year 2020/2021.

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Senior Tutor Update video - Week 11

Milda, July 5, 2020

In this week's Senior Tutor video, Vivek encourages students to persevere with the final two weeks of term at a time when many schools have already wrapped up their teaching and reminds parents about the opportunity to book their end-of-year report meetings with their child's tutor.

Wishing you all a great week!

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Registration for the new academic year opens on the 10th of July

Milda, July 4, 2020

This Friday, the 10th of July, we will be opening up the registration for places in our lessons to new students who are not currently attending our lessons.

If you are looking for lessons in Mathematics, English, Reasoning, Science or Economics, our experienced tutors would be more than happy to help.

We know from experience how quickly places fill up during the summer months and would like to strongly encourage you to get in touch with us on the 10th of July to secure your place.

If you are interested in joining our lessons or if you would like to speak to us in order to find out more about them, please call us on 0203 565 0539 or email us at office@trefoiltutors.co.uk.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Watch the video from our Registrar here:

Senior Tutor Update - Week 4

Milda, June 28, 2020

In this week's update, our Senior Tutor, Vivek Gathani, thanks students and parents for their ongoing commitment to their learning and reminds everyone to look after their energy levels and their motivation as many schools begin to wind down their academic year.

The academic year at Trefoil Tutors ends on the 19th of July, when we will take a three-week break before returning to our summer lessons in August.

Senior Tutor Update - Assessment Week

Milda, June 21, 2020

In this week's Senior Tutor Update, Vivek reviews the past couple of weeks at Trefoil, highlights the importance to work through corrections when reviewing returned assignments and reminds students to prepare for Assessment Week next week.

Advice On Finding A Tutor

Milda, June 21, 2020

Our Senior Tutor, Vivek Gathani, shares his advice with parents who are looking to find the right support for their children during school closures and in the long term.

In this video, Vivek has outlined four guidelines that he advises all parents to follow before engaging a tutor to work with their child.

If you would like any further advice, please do not hesitate to contact our team on office@trefoiltutors.co.uk or on 0203 565 05 39.

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Welcome Back to the New Half Term

Rosie, June 8, 2020

We hope you enjoyed a relaxing half-term break last week. Today, we are excited to welcome our new and returning students to the final six weeks of lessons this academic year. As the term comes to an end, it may be tempting to take your foot off the gas - however, we would like to strongly encourage students to continue working and make the most of our final set of lessons. Remember, your efforts now will pay off in September!

Wishing you a productive half-term,

The Trefoil Team


Senior Tutor Update - End of Half-Term

Milda, May 31, 2020

As we reach the end of the half-term, our Senior Tutor, Vivek Gathani, reflects on the successful transition to online learning this term, thanking students and their parents for their continued engagement with the online lessons. We are also incredibly grateful to our office team for their dedication in ensuring that students' homework is received, marked and returned smoothly.

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