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Connor, Sept. 18, 2023

In this week's Senior Tutor Update, Vivek reflects on how quickly the first quarter of the term has passed. Vivek reminds parents to ensure that they have logged in to the portal to receive up-to-date feedback which is being written by our tutors. The feedback written in the next fortnight will refer to the first two assignment sheets as well as the first assessment, which will be sat by the tutees this week. Our Director of Studies, Rebecca, then shares her advice as students revise for their first assessment this academic year. Have a great week, everyone, and very best of luck for the Assessment Week!

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Connor, Sept. 15, 2023

We are delighted to remind parents that this academic year, we continue to offer the full-year booking discount of £100 until the end of the first Half Term, on Sunday, the 15th of October.

So far, 23% parents have booked their child's place in the group lessons for the full academic year and have received the £100 discount (for students attending 36 lessons throughout the year).

Students in Year 11 and Year 13 will be attending a smaller number of lessons throughout the year; therefore, their discount is calculated pro-rata.

If you would like to use the full-year payment discount, please contact our Registrar, Esther, at registrar@trefoiltutors.co.uk, who will then send you a revised invoice.

For the discount to apply, we must receive your full year payment by 5pm on Sunday, the 15th of October.

For more information, please contact us on 0203 565 0539 or at registrar@trefoiltutors.co.uk

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Connor, Sept. 14, 2023

We are delighted to have welcomed over 300 students back into our classrooms for our Mathematics, Further Mathematics, English, Reasoning, Science, Biology and Economics group lessons.

We are now pleased to offer the final available places to students who are on our waiting list as well as those who are getting in touch with us for the first time.

For more information, please visit our availability page:

If you would like to join our lessons in this academic year, we would be happy to check any remaining availability as places are now allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you have not yet been in touch with us but would like your son or daughter to join our lessons, please contact our Registrar, Esther, on 0203 565 0539 or email registrar@trefoiltutors.co.uk.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Connor, Sept. 12, 2023

We are delighted to share with you the positive feedback contributed by the parents of students who have attended our group lessons and found these enjoyable and beneficial to their learning.

“There has been a significant improvement, my son’s subject knowledge has been stretched and he is constantly being encouraged to think deeper into the subjects that he is being taught. Dilan absolutely loves the group settings; they’re big enough where the children can interact with each other, share ideas. Also, they are small enough so that the child can get their individual attention from the Tutor. Dilan absolutely adores his tutors, the tutors at Trefoil are passionate, enthusiastic and highly knowledgeable in their subjects that they teach, and most importantly they make the lessons fun and engaging!”

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Connor, Sept. 12, 2023

In this week's Senior Tutor Update, Vivek begins by reflecting on the week just gone. Vivek thanks tutees, their parents, tutors and the office team for all hard work and dedication during the extremely rewarding - albeit exhausting - first week of the 2023/2024 academic year. Vivek reminds parents to check the log in details provided and to check that students are equipped with the correct calculators. Looking ahead to next week, Vivek emphasises the need to establish good working routines. Once these are established, students and tutors can focus more of their efforts on exploring the subject material. Our Director of Accounts, Milda, reminds parents about the possibility to register students for lessons in more than one subject, book a place for the full academic year as well as place siblings’ names on our waiting list if you would like to join our lessons in the future. We are delighted to continue offering our recommendation, multiple subject, sibling and full year payment discounts this year.

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Connor, Sept. 8, 2023

As we start the new academic year, we would like to share our Term Dates for the 2023 / 2024 academic year with parents and students. Students will attend twelve lessons each term, with all our Year 4, 5, 11 and 12 students attending an additional set of six lessons in August 2024.

Please note that Year 11 and Year 13 students will end their academic year after the first half of the Summer Term. No lessons take place during Half Term breaks and holidays.

Click here to download the Term Dates for the 2023/2024 academic year:

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Connor, Sept. 7, 2023

As students across the country return to school this week, we would like to wish everyone a positive start to the new academic year. May it foster your love of learning and inspire you to explore all the opportunities school life offers - be it Year 1 or Year 13!

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Connor, Sept. 7, 2023

We would like to wish the best of luck to all our 11+ students sitting the entrance examinations for the South West Consortium!

We know you have worked hard preparing for your examinations. Now is the time to stay focused and remember the lessons learned during your revision and practice.

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Connor, Sept. 5, 2023

We are delighted to share with you the positive feedback contributed by the parents of students who have attended our group lessons and found these enjoyable and beneficial to their learning.

“Working with Trefoil is interesting because it is very easy to interact with Trefoil. Many parents, including myself, go through periods where we are very, very busy, and Trefoil has an online portal which is very easy to interact with. There are regular emails to tell you if there has been an update on the portal for the attention of parents so you can log in at your convenience and get an understanding of how your child is performing. You can also look back historically to understand how your child was doing and where they have improved, and where they may have slightly fallen away and expect to see improvements in the future. What I really like about it is that it’s non-intrusive, so you can interact with it in your own time, you don’t have to have a parents’ evening like you do at school. It’s a very, very suitable tool and environment for interacting with this extracurricular tutoring.”

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Connor, Sept. 4, 2023

As the 11+ entrance examination season begins, we would like to wish the best of luck to all our 11+ students sitting the first round of entrance examinations for Dame Alice Owen’s School and Henrietta Barnett School today!

We know you have worked hard preparing for your examinations. Now is the time to stay focused and remember the lessons learned during your revision and practice.

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Connor, Sept. 4, 2023

After a summer of preparations, today, our team is thrilled to launch the new academic year at Trefoil Tutors.

We are delighted to welcome back our students from last year and greet new students joining us for the first time. Over the next seven days, we will see over 300 students attending their first lessons in Mathematics, Further Mathematics, English, Reasoning, Science, Biology and Economics.

We look forward to working with you and wish you all an enjoyable and rewarding academic year!

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Connor, Sept. 4, 2023

In this week's Senior Tutor Update, our Senior Tutor Vivek welcomes new and returning students to our lessons that begin on Monday, the 4th of September. Vivek reflects on the successes of last year and outlines the need for consistency to build on the solid foundations already set. Vivek introduces students and parents to the Welcome Booklet (which will now be electronic only) and the Welcome Bag that students will receive in their first lesson. Vivek sets out the focus for the year ahead, aiming to balance good routines with little bits of magic! Finally, Vivek wishes everyone all the very best for an exciting year ahead!

In her first video of the academic year, our Director of Operations Armine extends her warm welcome to all new and returning parents and students. Armine presents the Operations Team and introduces the exciting array of responsibilities under the team's scope. Armine also draws attention to the paving works scheduled to take place this week for which an email with special instructions has been shared.

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Connor, Sept. 1, 2023

With the new school year around the corner, the start of September brings a big change to thousands of students who will be making the transition from a primary to a secondary school. After months of hard work preparing for their 11+ examinations, our Year 7 students step into the next stage of their academic career as secondary school pupils.

As part of the Educational Q&A Series, our Senior Tutor, Vivek Gathani, published a video sharing his advice about making the most of the experience and supporting your son or daughter through this exciting - albeit sometimes daunting - moment of their school life.

Having worked at Haberdashers' Boys' School for four years as a teacher, Year 7 form tutor and deputy housemaster, Vivek is closely familiar with the day-to-day opportunities and challenges the students face in a new school.

To watch the video, please follow the link below:

We would like to wish all those starting the year in a new school the best of luck! Secondary school has a wealth of exciting opportunities to offer you, both academically and in its extra-curricular pursuits.

We hope you enjoy this part of your school journey. We can't wait to hear your first impressions!

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Connor, Sept. 1, 2023

As we prepare for the start of the new academic year, on 29th August, the Trefoil Tutors team attended a Staff Training Afternoon. During the training, Vivek, our designated Safeguarding Lead, held a refresher session on Child Protection and our Code of Conduct, while members of our Senior Leadership Team prepared training for our administrative, teaching and registration teams.

At Trefoil Tutors, team cohesion, tutor development and child protection are the cornerstones of the professionalism that we bring to tutoring and we were delighted that so many of our team were able to join us!

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Connor, Aug. 31, 2023

With a number of new additions to our teaching and administrative teams this year, in the week preceding the start of the new academic year, we have organised training days to ensure the safety of our staff and students. Today’s training includes First Aid Training led by HTS Training specialist Heather.

During the session, Heather reviewed the role and responsibilities of a first aider, trained the team in how to manage unconscious casualties, how to respond to incidents involving choking or external bleeding and practised Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

We are pleased to say that we have a defibrillator on-site, which our staff members are trained to use in case of emergency.

Although we hope we will never need to use these skills, we are glad to offer the additional reassurance to parents and students; once again, reaffirming our aim to bring a new level of professionalism to the services we offer.

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Connor, Aug. 29, 2023

We are delighted to share with you the positive feedback contributed by the parents of students who have attended our group lessons and found these enjoyable and beneficial to their learning.

“The small group setting has really benefited Raya. She loves sharing her ideas and I think it gives her a little sense of competition, which is good. I think that the length of the lessons, at one and a half hours, is fine. We really like how flexible the lessons are, if she can’t attend in person she has the option to join via Skype. We like that the Maths lessons also come with a pre-recorded video, so that she can revisit the topic if needed. She really enjoyed the interactive ambience in the classroom, the tutors make learning fun. She really, really enjoys attending lessons at Trefoil.”

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Connor, Aug. 28, 2023

Today we held the first set of English, Mathematics and Verbal Reasoning 11+ mock examinations for students preparing to sit grammar school entrance examinations this September and independent school entrance examinations in January. Thank you to all those who attended - we hope you found the practice useful!

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Connor, Aug. 25, 2023

With Autumn Term starting in 9 days, our Registration team are busier than ever offering the handful of final available places to students who are looking to join us in the new academic year.

Each year, we see over 90% of our students return for lessons in the new academic year. At Trefoil Tutors, we are committed to long-term teaching and learning and have seen the benefits that students reap when continuing lessons across several academic years. We encourage our students to begin their lessons with us at the start of the academic year, and to continue with us as they progress through the school years.

If your son or daughter would like to join our small, specialised group lessons in Mathematics, Further Mathematics, English, Science, Reasoning, Biology and Chemistry, please visit the Group Availability page on our website to check if places are still available:

The page is regularly updated with the number of places still available in our group lessons, making it easy for you to check the times and dates of available groups.

To book a place in one of the groups, please complete an enquiry form on our website, contact our Registrar Esther on 0203 565 0539 or by emailing registrar@trefoiltutors.co.uk, or click on the relevant “Contact” button on the webpage to express your interest.

If the group you would like to join is full, please contact us to be added to the waiting list.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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