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October Half Term Break Holiday Work

Shakyra, Oct. 25, 2021

As we complete the first half term of the academic year, we are delighted to see students begin to follow good routines in their learning. In order to help students practise little and often during their holidays in order to keep academic regression at bay, our lead Mathematics, English and Science tutors have prepared a set of holiday work which is now available on our website.

To access the holiday work, please follow the link:


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Senior Tutor Update - October Half Term Week 2

Milda, Oct. 24, 2021

In this week's Senior Tutor Update, Vivek reminds parents and students that Mathematics, English and Science Half Term holiday assignments and answers are now available online. Vivek also reviews the first week of the holiday, where our Office Team attended a First Aid training, hosted a Parents Advice Evening and began the October mock examination series for our Year 6 students.

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Parent Testimonial - SAMAD AND SAIF'S DAD

Shakyra, Oct. 22, 2021

“I have two sons who are both really happy and impressed with the friendly atmosphere here at Trefoil Tutors. One of my sons has been with Trefoil Tutors for over 5 years now and has enjoyed every bit of it. As parents, we can see he’s achieving much higher results in his academics at school.”

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Shakyra, Oct. 18, 2021

Today we held the first set of English, Mathematics and Reasoning 11+ mock examinations for students preparing to sit independent school entrance examinations in January. Thank you to all those who attended - we hope you found the practice useful!

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Senior Tutor Update - Autum term - Autumn Half term - Week 1

Vaiva, Oct. 17, 2021

In this week's Senior Tutor Update video, Vivek congratulates tutees, tutors, parents and the office team on the completing of a very successful Half Term. Vivek reviews the newsletter as well as providing advice on how best to use the two-week Half Term break. Wishing you and your families a restful (but academically stimulating) Half Term! We look forward to starting the next Half Term on the week commencing Monday, 1st November.

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Shakyra, Oct. 15, 2021

“I have seen massive changes in my daughter’s attitude to maths. She has gone leaps and bounds in confidence when approaching papers. She has learnt topics before she’s had to learn them at school, or has just had subjects reconfirmed for her during her tutoring at Trefoil.

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Shakyra, Oct. 13, 2021

We are delighted to introduce you to Anita, the newest member of the Trefoil Team. Anita joins us as our weekday evening assistant and brings a wealth of experience in the customer services industry. Students and parents will meet Anita as she supports the team in ensuring smooth arrivals to and departures from lessons. Welcome to the team, Anita!

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Shakyra, Oct. 11, 2021

We would like to remind all parents and students that this is the last week of lessons before the October half term break, with no lessons taking place between Monday, the 19th of October and Sunday, the 31st of October. As students prepare for their final lesson of the half term, we would like to remind everyone to thoroughly review classwork notes and homework assignments in preparation for the assessments in week 6!

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Shakyra, Oct. 10, 2021

In this week's Update, our Senior Tutor Vivek congratulates students as they enter the final week of our first half term. Our Director of Studies Rebecca shares useful revision advice and strategies as students prepare for their Week 6 Assessments.

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Shakyra, Oct. 8, 2021

"My daughter has had Mr G for about a year or so in preparation for 11+ and what we did notice is that she went from a bottom set in her school at maths to the middle of the top set. Where previously she just did not enjoy maths, now she actually enjoys it and is happy to tackle questions that a year ago she wouldn’t have even attempted.

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Shakyra, Oct. 6, 2021

This year, we have seen a number of Independent Schools in North London move the date of their entrance examinations from January 2022 to December 2021. With this in mind, we would like to invite those Year 6 students who have not yet booked a place to attend the 11+ mock examinations we will run in the October half term as well as during the Christmas Break.

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Shakyra, Oct. 4, 2021

Currently pursuing a degree in Medicine at King’s College London, Neil is a tutor who is closely familiar with the amount of work involved in achieving top grades having achieved excellent results throughout his own academic career as a scholar of Mill Hill School. Passionate about Biology and closely familiar with the updated curriculum, Neil tutors our A-level Biology students.

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Shakyra, Oct. 3, 2021

In this week's Senior Tutor Update, Vivek reviews the past weeks at Trefoil Tutors and introduces our new team member Anita. Our Registrar Milda then reminds parents to use the full year payment discount before the 18th of October deadline and announces that registration is now open for Year 3 Mathematics and English lessons and Year4 Reasoning lessons in January. Finally, Milda encourages A Level students who are looking for additional support in Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry to contact us now to minimise the amount of independent catch up work required.

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Parent Testimonial - AARAV'S DAD

Shakyra, Oct. 1, 2021

'My son has been coming to Trefoil for over a year now and really enjoys it. He's progressing and learning; the lessons really helped him at school, but more importantly, his confidence in mathematics has really improved. Trefoil Tutors are a very professional company - they are very supportive and always available whenever we need them.'

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Register for the full academic year and receive a £100 discount

Shakyra, Sept. 29, 2021

Following a number of enquiries from parents, we are delighted to announce that this academic year, we continue to offer the full-year booking discount of £100 until the start of the half-term break, the 18th of October.

So far, 16% of parents have booked their child's place in the group lessons for the full academic year and have received the £100 discount (for students attending 36 lessons throughout the year).

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Term Dates 2021/2022

Shakyra, Sept. 27, 2021

As we start the new academic year, we would like to share our Term Dates for 2021 / 2022 with parents and students. Students will attend twelve lessons each term, with Year 4, 5, 11 and 12 students attending an additional set of six lessons in August 2022. Please note that Year 11 and Year 13 students will end their academic year after the first half of the Summer Term. No lessons take place during half term breaks and holidays.

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Senior tutor update - Autumn Term Week 4

Shakyra, Sept. 26, 2021

In this week’s update video, our Senior Tutor Vivek reviews the first Assessment Week of the academic year and reminds students of the good routines we’ve been establishing. Additionally, Vivek discusses a number of effective revision methods which will be helpful to all our students regardless of their age.

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Parent Testimonial

Shakyra, Sept. 24, 2021

At Trefoil Tutors, we believe that effective communication between the tutor, the student and the parents is very important for successful teaching and learning. We are delighted to share the positive feedback contributed by the parents of students who have attended our group lessons and found the feedback provided by our tutors informative and beneficial.

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