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Parent Testimonial - RIA AND ANYA'S MUM

Vaiva, Nov. 6, 2020

"My girls absolutely love coming to Trefoil, they don't like to miss the lessons. They love doing the homework and making sure that it's perfect. It's been a very good experience and I wouldn't change it for anything."

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Vaiva, Nov. 4, 2020

Reading is a surefire way to develop a plethora of skills, from improving one's spelling and creative writing to developing social understanding and broadening knowledge of a variety of topics. Therefore, our Lead English Tutor Milda would like to share with you her thoughts about reading for your own pleasure and the benefits this habit may bring.

To watch Milda's video, please visit our Facebook page:

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Senior Tutor Update - Autumn Term Week 7

Vaiva, Nov. 1, 2020

In this week's Senior Tutor Update, Vivek reminds students that our lessons resume next week, on Monday, the 2nd of November. In order to ensure a strong start to the new half term, Vivek shares six important pieces of advice that students should consider before returning to lessons.

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Education Office

2019 / 2020 A level Results

Vaiva, Oct. 31, 2020

After an extraordinary end to the last academic year, we are very proud to share with you a snapshot overview of the results achieved by our A level students. Having shown impressive levels of resilience and ability to adapt to ever-changing circumstances, our students acquired an impressive set of grades. Very well done!

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Parent Testimonial - AVI AND AMAN'S MUM

Vaiva, Oct. 30, 2020

"Avi has been a good student but over the years had plateaued in maths, and I can honestly say that Vivek has brought back that spark about maths to Avi. He enjoys it and he has improved significantly. He is doing very well in class, his grades have improved; moreover, he enjoys being there."

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2019 / 2020 GCSE Results

Vaiva, Oct. 29, 2020

Although most of last year's GCSE candidates did not get a chance to sit the examinations they had prepared for, we are proud to share with you the impressive set of results awarded to our students based on their Centre Assessment Grades. These results undoubtedly reflect the fact that the students' hard work throughout the entire academic year has paid off, as students were assessed based on their mock examination grades, coursework and progress shown throughout the year.

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Vaiva, Oct. 28, 2020

During the half-term break, many students have enquired about additional resources and past papers they could use when revising independently. Our Resources page offers students an extensive collection of GCSE and A-Level Mathematics past papers, including mark schemes, for Edexcel, OCR, and OCR MEI exam boards. We hope you find these useful in your revision!

The papers can be accessed here:

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Education Resources

Reading list for the half-term

Vaiva, Oct. 27, 2020

In order encourage students to explore different writers, styles and genres, as well as help them develop a love of literature, our lead English tutor Milda has compiled a list of 12 book recommendations for each year group from Year 3 to Year 11. The books on the list range from timeless classics to recent releases. As they go through the list, students will become familiar with the work of world-famous writers and meet iconic book characters.

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Education Resources

Senior Tutor Update - Autumn Term Half-Term Week 2

Vaiva, Oct. 26, 2020

In this week's update, our Senior Tutor Vivek and Registrar Milda share the various activities they have pursued during the half-term holidays, encouraging students to explore their own interests and combine learning with relaxation. Milda also introduces our new Year 4 Mathematics lessons that will launch after the half-term break due to an increase in demand and reminds parents about the opportunity to use the full year payment discount (available until the 1st of November). Finally, the updated lesson schedule for the Spring Term will be published later this week, which will be of interest to those looking to join our Year 3 Mathematics and English lessons as well as our Year 4 and 5 Reasoning lessons.

Have a lovely half-term and week look forward to seeing you next week!

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October Half-Term Break Holiday Work

Vaiva, Oct. 25, 2020

As we complete the first half-term of the academic year, we are delighted to see students begin to follow good routines in their learning. In order to help students practise little and often during their holidays in order to keep academic regression at bay, our lead Mathematics, English and Science tutors have prepared a set of holiday work which is now available on our website.

To access the holiday work, please follow the link: https://www.trefoiltutors.co.uk/free-holiday-materials/

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Education Resources

Parent Testimonial - SAMAD AND SAIF'S DAD

Vaiva, Oct. 23, 2020

"I have two sons who are both really impressed with the atmosphere here at Trefoil Tutors. One of my sons has been with Trefoil Tutors for over 5 years now and has enjoyed every bit of it; as parents, we can see he’s achieving much higher results in his academics at school."

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Vaiva, Oct. 20, 2020

Today we held the first set of English, Mathematics and Reasoning 11+ mock examinations for students preparing to sit independent school entrance examinations in January.

Thank you to all those who attended - we hope you found the practice useful! If you are interested in attending one of our upcoming mock examinations this week or in December or January, please email us at office@trefoiltutors.co.uk or call 0203 565 0539 to book your place.

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Senior tutor update - Autumn Term Half Term Week 1

Vaiva, Oct. 18, 2020

In this week's Senior Tutor Update, Vivek reviews the first half term of the academic year and shares some insights on making the most of the October Half-Term.

As travel and social activities are limited this holiday, our Manager Rosie has prepared some interesting alternatives for students of all ages. We hope these will give you inspiration for an active and exciting break!

Our team look forward to seeing students return to lessons in the week beginning on the 2nd of November.

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Parent Testimonial - Aaliyah's Mum

Vaiva, Oct. 14, 2020

'I have seen massive changes in her attitude to maths - she has gone leaps and bounds in confidence when approaching papers. She has learnt topics before she’s had to learn them at school, or has just had subjects reconfirmed for her during her tutoring at Trefoil. As a parent, I am very happy that we've enjoyed coming to lessons at Trefoil Tutors and we are looking to continue – especially as we have seen such improvement!'

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Senior tutor update - Autumn Term Week 6

Vaiva, Oct. 11, 2020

In this week's Senior Tutor Update, Vivek reviews the progress made throughout the term so far and, in light of a busy end of the half-term for many students, emphasises the importance of revision in preparation for Week 6 assessments.

With this in mind, our Director of Studies Rebecca shares some useful advice on how students can best utilise their lesson notes and work completed so far in the term to aid their revision and help them effectively prepare for the assessment.

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Deadline to use the full-year payment discount extended

Vaiva, Oct. 10, 2020

Following a number of enquiries from parents, we are delighted to announce that we will continue to offer the full-year booking discount of £200 until the end of the half-term break, the 1st of November.

So far, 16% of parents have booked their child's place in the group lessons for the full academic year and have received the £200 or £150 discount.

If you would like to use the full-year payment discount, please contact our Registrar Milda at milda@trefoiltutors.co.uk, who will then send you a revised invoice.

For the discount to apply, we must receive your full year payment by 5pm on Sunday, the 1st of November.

For more information, please contact us on 0203 565 0539 or at office@trefoiltutors.co.uk.

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Parent Testimonial - Joshua's dad

Vaiva, Oct. 9, 2020

"Trefoil Tutors is extremely well organised - it's more like a small school than a traditional tutor. It is very ordered and structured and there is a clear routine for all the lessons. We've been extremely impressed with both the service and the approach from both Vivek and Milda."

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NEW: Tailored 11+ Mock Examination for candidates applying to Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School and Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls

Vaiva, Oct. 8, 2020

As many parents of Year 6 students will know, following an announcement on the 25th of September, 2020, the dates of the 11+ Entrance Examinations to Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School and Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls have been moved from January 2021 to the 17th and 18th of December 2020 alongside a change in the exam structure.

In response to this, we are delighted to announce that during the Christmas Break, we will run one tailored mock examination adapted to the revised exam structure of these two schools.

The tailored mock examination will take place on Tuesday, the 15th of December, at 4:30pm-6:30pm.

For more information or to book your place, please call the office on 0203 565 0539 or email us at office@trefoiltutors.co.uk.

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