Vaiva, Aug. 1, 2018
According to our lead Mathematics tutor Vivek, “Mathematics is not a spectator sport”. Practising little and often is crucial – even during the summer holidays. To help students maintain their Mathematical skills during the summer break, we will be posting sets of five quick questions on Wednesdays and Sundays to help children keep that academic regression at bay.
We are excited to share the first set of questions with you today!
We will be posting the answers and the next set of questions on Sunday.
Good luck, mathsies!
Click the article to see the questions.
Vaiva, July 28, 2018
We are delighted to share with you the fourth video in our educational Q&A video series. In this video, our lead English tutor Milda Sabunaite talks about encouraging children to read during the summer holidays and shares her book recommendations for students from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4.
To watch the video, please visit our Facebook page.
Vaiva, July 20, 2018
The summer holidays are an important time for students to take a break and recharge their batteries – at the same time, parents often worry about academic regression which may make the start of the new academic year harder than expected. Today, we are happy to share with you our third Q&A video, where our lead tutor Vivek Gathani shares some advice about how to make the most of the summer holidays and strike the right balance between work and play.
To watch the video, please visit our Facebook page.
Vaiva, July 16, 2018
Having concluded the academic year, on the 14th of July, we invited our tutors and all those who supported us throughout the year to our annual Trefoil BBQ party as a way to say thank you and celebrate the start of the summer break.
A day full of chatter, good food and games was a great way to end the year. We would like to say a big thank you to all our guests and wish you a lovely summer!
Vaiva, July 13, 2018
We are happy to share with you our second educational Q&A video with our lead tutor Vivek Gathani. While teaching at Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School, Vivek was also a UCAS advisor for Mathematics, Accountancy and Finance and Computer Science. This week, Vivek is sharing his experience and answering your questions about university applications and UCAS.
To watch the video, please visit our Facebook page.
Vaiva, July 12, 2018
To mark the end of the academic year, on the 29th of June, we invited the parents of our pupils to our first Parents’ Social Evening as a way of saying thank you for their support throughout the year.
Held at Blue Ginger restaurant, the evening was a lovely way to get to know the parents of our students better and enjoy an evening of great food and interesting conversations. Parents also took part in a quiz our tutors had prepared for the evening.
We would like to thank all the parents that attended the social evening and wish you all a relaxing summer!
Vaiva, July 11, 2018
We know that each new academic year comes with a new stack of books. If you find yourself not knowing what to do with your old coursebooks and set texts, we would be more than happy to add the books you no longer wish to keep to our library and give an opportunity for our younger students to use them in their work.
If you would like to drop your old books off at our office, please do get in touch to arrange a convenient time – we look forward to hearing from you!
Vaiva, July 10, 2018
After a great response to our first Q&A video on Friday, we are happy to announce that the theme of the second educational Q&A video is going to be “applying to University”. The video will be published on Friday, which means you still have a little bit of time to add your questions to the list!
If you would like to submit a question for the upcoming video, please do share them with us on our social media pages.
The videos are featured on our Facebook page only – so do follow our page in order to receive notifications about when each new video is released.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Vaiva, July 6, 2018
We are very excited to publish our very first educational Q&A video with our lead tutor Vivek Gathani. In this video, Vivek is answering parents’ questions and sharing his advice about 11+ entrance examinations.
The videos will be featured every Friday on our Facebook page – do follow us in order to receive notifications about when each new video is released.
To watch the video, please visit our Facebook page.