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Milda, Oct. 1, 2024

We are delighted to share with you the positive feedback contributed by the parents of students who have attended our group lessons and found these enjoyable and beneficial to their learning.

“I think that signing my son up for lessons at Trefoil was a really good decision and I’ve seen his school results improve drastically. So overall, I’m a really happy parent.”

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Tutor Testimonial: Aadil

Jovana, May 24, 2019

‘Trefoil makes it very easy for tutors to coordinate their timings with both the tutors, their parents and slots for booking rooms in the office. I’ve never once struggled to find a time slot that works for all of us.’


Tutor Testimonial: Tutoring at Trefoil Tutors

Jovana, May 3, 2019

‘There is a lot of support with the teaching here at Trefoil Tutors. If I want to make my lessons better there are seminars the tutors can attend and there are ways in which the teachers here can help you become better. Not only am I teaching, but I am also improving my own skill set, which I feel is very valuable in the long term.’

Education Office Testimonials

Tutor testimonial: Tutoring at Trefoil Tutors

Jovana, April 26, 2019

‘Trefoil is a very professional working environment. It gives you the ability to teach something that you love to students who really need your help. Its allows you as the tutor to make the decisions for when you want to tutor yourself and the timings that best suit you. It is very user friendly and provides the best working environment for the tutee.’

Education Office Testimonials

parent Testimonial: TREFOIL TUTORS

Jovana, Feb. 16, 2019

“It was Vivek’s expert knowledge and support that not only got children ready and prepared for the exams but also supported and guided us through the process. We have nothing but praise and appreciation for all the hard work, commitment and care that Vivek and his team at Trefoil have shown to us and our children.”

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Parent Testimonial: Long-term tutoring

Jovana, Dec. 8, 2018

"My girls absolutely love coming to Trefoil, they don't like to miss the lessons. They love doing the homework and making sure that it's perfect. It's been a very good experience and I wouldn't change it for anything."

News Testimonials