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Educational Q&A video 22: 11+ Information Evening at Trefoil Tutors

Jovana, Jan. 19, 2019

As Year 5 students begin their second academic term, the 11+ examinations for grammar schools are under eight months away. Although this may seem like a long time, these months tend to rush by and we will soon be preparing mock exams and revision sessions.

In order to offer all our support to Year 5 students as well as their parents, on the 4th of January 2019, we hosted our first 11+ Information Evening. During the event, our lead tutors shared their experience of supporting students in their 11+ preparations throughout the last decade. We were pleased to see 18 parents of Year 5 students attend the event, as well as to hear their feedback about how beneficial the topics covered during the evening were in supporting their 11+ preparation and planning.

Due to popular demand, we are delighted to announce that we will be hosting a second 11+ Information Evening next week and would like to invite all parents of Year 5 students to attend!

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Jovana, Jan. 17, 2019

We are very excited to announce that, following a number of enquiries from students and parents, we are starting a new Mathematics group lessons for Year 9 students.

The Mathematics group lessons will be run by Kirtan Shah, a newly qualified teacher currently working as a Teacher of Mathematics at QE Boys' School. With an ability to successfully communicate complex concepts in a simple manner, Kirtan is a tutor who is able to offer support to students of varying age and ability.

The lessons, attended by a maximum of six Year 9 students, will follow the GCSE programme prepared by our senior Mathematics tutor Vivek Gathani, which sees the students through to their GCSE examinations in Year 11.

If you are interested in joining our Mathematics group lessons, please do get in touch by phone on 0203 565 0539 or via email at office@trefoiltutors.co.uk. Places are limited and are booked on a first-come, first-served basis.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Education Office


Jovana, Jan. 15, 2019

We are very excited to see our team of tutors grow this academic year! On the 3rd of January, we held our Tutor Induction Day and welcomed four new tutors, Kirtan, Christoph, Nirmala and Riddhi, who will be running small group lessons in Mathematics and Economics at Trefoil.

During the induction, the new tutors received training on key pedagogical concepts and underwent a detailed review of our Code of Conduct.

To enquire about booking lessons with our tutors, please email us at office@trefoiltutors.co.uk or call us on 0203 565 0539.

Education Office

It’s 11+ interview week!

Jovana, Jan. 14, 2019

With the 11+ entrance examinations nearly done, this week, a number of independent schools are starting their interviewing process for 11+ entrance. We would like to wish the best of luck to all candidates who are attending interviews in the upcoming days!

The interview is an exciting opportunity to learn more about the school you are applying for, as well as help the school get to know you – their potential new student!

Stay confident and friendly, and most importantly, enjoy the experience!

All our best wishes,

The Trefoil Team

Education Office

Parent Testimonial: FEEDBACK

Jovana, Jan. 11, 2019

I think that the feedback we received was brilliant because it gave you an idea of which areas he was struggling with and pointed out specifically what he needed to work on. It helped Kabir and me, because we were working together as a team - the tutor, the parent and the child. I think that is the best bit and they couldn't have done it better.



Jovana, Jan. 10, 2019

Best of luck to all our 11+ students sitting the entrance examinations to North London Collegiate School today!

We know you have worked hard preparing for your examinations! Now is the time to stay focused and remember the lessons learnt during your revision and practice.

All our best wishes,

The Trefoil Team


New Economics Group Lessons for Year 13 students begin today

Jovana, Jan. 9, 2019

We are very excited to announce that, following a number of enquiries from students and parents, we are starting new Economics group lessons for Year 13 students. The Economics group lessons will be run by our Economics tutor Christoph, a professional Economics teacher with three years of experience teaching at Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School. Christoph holds a BSc(Econ) in Economics and an MSc in Economic History from the LSE and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). Prior to teaching, Christoph has spent a number of years working across different disciplines in higher education projects, teaching and learning initiatives and advocacy.

If you are interested in joining our Economics group lessons, do get in touch by phone on 0203 565 0539 or via email at office@trefoiltutors.co.uk. We look forward to hearing from you!

Education Office

Best of luck in your 11+ exams!

Milda, Jan. 8, 2019

We would like to wish the best of luck to all our 11+ students sitting the entrance examinations to Merchant Taylors' School and St Albans Girls' School today!

Remember, you have worked diligently in your preparations - now is the time to stay calm and enjoy the experience!

All our best wishes,

The Trefoil Team

Good luck in your Mathematics IGCSE examination!

Milda, Jan. 7, 2019

Although most GCSE candidates are not sitting their examinations for several months, today, we would like to wish the best of luck to five of our Year 11 pupils who are taking the early Mathematics IGCSE exam!

Best of luck today, gents - you have worked very hard preparing for this! Now is the time to stay calm, focused and remember the lessons learnt during your revision and practice.

All our best wishes,

The Trefoil Team

Set 3 of group lessons begins tomorrow!

Milda, Jan. 6, 2019

After the Christmas break, we are excited to welcome all our students back for the third set of lessons which begins on Monday, the 7th of January. We look forward to seeing you!

Student Testimonial: Pupil, Y11

Jovana, Jan. 5, 2019

'With the accelerated group lessons, we move through the topics quicker than we would in school. This also helps a lot when we start the topics in school and I already know how to do it, so I find it easier. Vivek explains everything really well!'

Education Office


Milda, Jan. 4, 2019

With the start of the new year, our Year 6 students are completing their final preparations for sitting 11+ entrance examinations in the upcoming weeks. With the Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School exam taking place tomorrow, our senior tutor Vivek Gathani, a former Mathematics teacher at Haberdashers’ who used to help write and mark the 11+ entrance paper during his time at the school, has prepared a mock 11+ Mathematics paper, together with full worked answers. We are delighted to share this with you!

The paper and the worked answers can be downloaded from our Resources page:

Wishing you the best of luck in the upcoming examinations!

Mathematics 11+ Resources Events

Good luck in the 11+ exams!

Milda, Jan. 4, 2019

We would like to wish the best of luck to all our 11+ students sitting the Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School entrance examinations today!

Remember, you have worked hard with your revision and practice - so that now you can stay calm and enjoy the process.

All our best wishes,

The Trefoil Team


Milda, Jan. 3, 2019

As students have reached the end of their first term in Year 5, 11+ examinations for grammar schools are a little over eight months away. Although this may seem like a long time, these months tend to rush by and we will soon be preparing mock exams and revision sessions.

In order to offer all our support to our Year 5 students as well as their parents, we are hosting a Year 5 Parents' Evening, where our tutors will be sharing their knowledge and experience regarding 11+ preparation.

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Testimonial: Trefoil Tutors

Jovana, Dec. 22, 2018

We’ve had a great experience with Trefoil Tutors for our sons. They’ve built up a good understanding of mathematical concepts and as a result I believe they’ve improved a great deal in school, but most importantly they’ve been happy going to lessons and have comfortably managed school work and assignments set by Trefoil Tutors, so it’s been a win-win for them in every respect.

Education Office

Festive greetings from the Trefoil Tutors team!

Jovana, Dec. 21, 2018

We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Please note our office is closed between the 24th of December and the 1st of January (inclusive). The 3rd set of group lessons will resume on the 7th of January 2019. We look forward to seeing you all after the break!



Jovana, Dec. 18, 2018

Today we held the next set of English and Mathematics 11+ mock examinations this year for students preparing to sit independent school entrance examinations in January. Thank you to all those who attended - we hope you found the practice useful!

If you are interested in attending one of our upcoming three mock examinations this week or in the new year, please email us at office@trefoiltutors.co.uk or call 0203 565 0539 to book your place.

More information about the mocks can be found on our website:

Education Office

Enjoy your Christmas break!

Jovana, Dec. 17, 2018

We would like to remind all students and their parents that Set 2 of lessons is now complete and no group lessons will take place until the 7th of January (aside from the rearranged lessons this Friday). Our office will be closed between the 24th of December and the 1st of January (inclusive). Have a lovely Christmas and we look forward to seeing you next year!
